Night Sky

This is my first attempt at taking a shot of the night sky. It was a bit tricky as my neighbours had left their outside lights on but it hasn’t come out too bad. I haven’t got a clue what I’m looking at, does anyone know?

Click on the image to get the full size.

4 responses to “Night Sky”

  1. That’s the Orion constellation with two stars at the top then a small line of three then two at the bottom about the same distance frome the line of three as the top two but at a different angle.

    1. Aaahh thanks pop!
      We had another clear night last night and I was going to take some more but it was too cold. I wouldnt have been able to warm up when I got in either because our boiler is playing up. So we had to spend the evening huddled around the fire.

  2. Orion is very prominent in the southern sky here in New Zealand. On a clear night, it stands out really well but we get a great view of all the other stars as well as the Milky Way. Not much light pollution here of course.

    The best view we got of the Southern sky was immediately after the earthquake when the power went off. Man there are a lot of stars! It was awesome.

  3. It was on a starry night, when the hills were bright!! Ask K, she’ll remember this song!

    Lovely pic, I love the night sky