Last weekend

Its nearly the next weekend and I’m only just blogging last weekend… its been one of those weeks…
Last weekend the Caples were over and on the Sunday it was the annual Teddy Jump off the church. Gerry has hung up his parachute and retired from High adrenaline sports however Gerry 2 was up for it and here he goes…
However he had a bit of a rough landing and had to be stretchered off…

It was touch and go for a while…

But thankfully he was ok in the end!

6 responses to “Last weekend”

  1. That’s so cool – glad Gerry 2 had no lasting side effects – Great pics! x

  2. That’s so cool – glad Gerry 2 had no lasting side effects – Great pics! x

  3. How gorgeous they both look!! Really glad that the teddy survived his big drop!!

  4. How gorgeous they both look!! Really glad that the teddy survived his big drop!!

  5. and little Lola is recovering in the coat cupboard! Look at how photogenic Gerry 2 is!

  6. and little Lola is recovering in the coat cupboard! Look at how photogenic Gerry 2 is!