I was chatting to dad yesterday about how difficult it is to buy British Products. He had been trying to find some walking boots and as he wanted to buy British I suggested “Chris Brasher” which I believed to be a British brand which is in fact, all it is, as sure enough the boots had been made in China.
So early this morning, I wondered if there was a website which listed just British products and there are one or two and I also found a link to a website created by the Bradshaw Family who have started 2013 with the resolution to only buy British made products for the whole year. Buying British products is essential in helping the economy so I’ll definitely be reading their site as they go through the year.
2 responses to “Buying British”
The Bradshaws were on the One Show last night-it featured a trip round a supermarket with them trying to identify British made goods-would you believe that Branston Pickle is no longer made in this country!
The Bradshaws were on the One Show last night-it featured a trip round a supermarket with them trying to identify British made goods-would you believe that Branston Pickle is no longer made in this country!