Sign this petition

Please sign The Times’ petition asking the Prime Minister to implement the recommendations in the ‘Get Britain Cycling’ report.
Its a bid to get 10 percent of all journeys to be made by bike by 2025, and to get a larger proportion of transport budget spent on supporting cycling, at an initial rate of at least £10 per person per year, increasing as cycle levels increase.
Go on sign it now – it only takes a mo!

8 responses to “Sign this petition”

  1. Done it last night! How’s the shed coming on?

  2. Done it last night! How’s the shed coming on?

  3. Done it! We cyclists must support these initiatives!

  4. Done it! We cyclists must support these initiatives!

  5. Done it! thanks for linking on F.B Caz.

  6. Done it! thanks for linking on F.B Caz.

  7. i didn’t realise i had! i signed it though

  8. i didn’t realise i had! i signed it though