Knee News

I have seen the Consultant today, the fracture is healed and apart from some physio I am now discharged!

In further Knee News I had a letter from the solicitor this week which enclosed a copy of a letter from the insurers whose client is the lady who hit me. In which she had stated that the accident only happened at rolling speed, I had only had a minor bump to the knee and that she was adamant I had not sustained the injuries when she hit me. Unfortunately in my anger at the time I said that I had just got over a previous accident so they are trying to blame the fracture on that.
Anyway, I’ve written back explaining the previous accident and that I had been to work, cycled and been to a barn dance on New Years eve and that the fracture was diagnosed after a scan some 7 weeks after the previous accident so I don’t think they can pin it on that.
What a lovely lady though? Not only did she hit me, she didn’t apologise and then denies responsibility for my injuries.

2 responses to “Knee News”

  1. what’s her name, I’m gonna stalk her on Facebook!!!

  2. what’s her name, I’m gonna stalk her on Facebook!!!