Mispronounced words

A post on Kottke is about words that you mispronounce on purpose and words that only you and your family may use for certain things. I have listed a few we use but I’m sure there’s more. What are yours?

My words are:

Compoota – computer

Muskles – Muscles (from Popeye … I think)

Squizzie – Squirrel

Booger – Bogie

Dumdum – Dummy

4 responses to “Mispronounced words”

  1. Vigner – vinegar

    Duck knobs – goosebumps

    squis – sit

    plant one – kiss

    toots – toes

    eddie’s – long dirty fingernails (Eddie was our old neighbour and he has the filthiest hands)

  2. Oooh one more

    orangy sposh – orange juice

  3. We still “lawn the mow” and “park the cark” and milk has been “nocus” in our house for 18 years!!!

  4. Booger – we used to call it a piggy! 🙂

    Michael loves the “pewter” (computer), wonders if doctors work at the “hostipill” and still has his favourite “Didod” (blue dog!)… Bless x