Good Weekend

Despite the generally rubbish weather this weekend, it has been really good. The Caple’s came over, and on Saturday the weather was nice so we had a barbie to celebrate Fatty’s Birthday.
Sunday, it poured in the morning, in the afternoon, we went to Chris and Derek’s to celebrate Derek’s Birthday. As we had been in the house all morning and we were feeling a bit lardie, Al and I cycled the 30 mile round trip to C & D’s, the rain held off and it was nice to have a good cruise.
Today, the weather has been rubbish, its just rained and rained. The Caples headed home at lunchtime and we have just mooched this afternoon. Its been a right good weekend though, just hanging out and playing with the kids.

Although not a brilliant piccie, I quite like this photo of the girls on the bed having a morning cuppa in their jarmies, it kind of summed up the weekend.

Morning cuppa