Hellboy II: The Golden Army

Hellboy 2Corky and I went to see this this week and we both really enjoyed it.
The story starts with young hellboy being told a story about an ancient battle between humans and creatures. An unstoppable clockwork army is built for Balor, the king of the elves which he uses to devastating effect. Feeling a bit guilty, he forms a truce with the humans. His son, Nuada disagrees and leaves in exile. But now Nuada is back and wishes to revive the golden army and start a war on the humans.

Its a really good story and there are one or two dodgy bits (particularly when hellboy sings along to Barry Manilows “I can’t smile without you!” –  truly awful!!) That said though, the creature effects are brilliant and its really well directed by Guillermo del Toro.

My favourite chracter was the angel of death which looked amazing. Oh, and luke goss plays the Prince Nuala.


One response to “Hellboy II: The Golden Army”

  1. N.B Just told K about the Barry Manilow thing and she proceeded to sing the whole song to Emma! I can’t escape Barry. Help me!!