
A back dated posting as we had to delay the news for a while

14th March


There it is….. that little blue line sealing our fate…… K did a pregnancy test tonight and.. she’s preggars!!

SUCH a shock! K only came off the pill a month ago and…well..there you go. I don’t hang around do I (obviously not!)

K did the test at about 6pm (she hadn’t tell me told she was going to do it) and we just looked at each other and said “No can’t be” and then we both just sat looking at the result and reading the box the instructions over and over gain in total disbelief.

K had a little cry and I felt well kind of scared really and then K said I’ve got to give BIRTH! aahhh! but then we thought about it and then I felt kind of chuffed, we did come off the pill for a reason after all.

15th March

K does another pregnancy test….. still preggars

Is this really happening? we don’t feel pregnant

Spent the whole day in shock really it all feels a bit unreal we just keep looking at each other and saying “I can’t believe it”.

The timing though is very good actually as baby Caple will be born around May and baby Thomas will be late Oct/ November.

We have not decided to tell anyone yet as we just need some time to get out heads around it and K wants to tell fatty,al and her folks face to face so we are going to leave it until easter.

16th March

Kind of getting used to the idea.. a bit

We have got SO much to do. We are going to need more space so we may be able to do the loft this year once the kitchen is done on July.

30th March

Now getting used to the idea proper. It still seems slightly unbelievable. We have now got to start telling everyone I guess….We are planning to tell my folks tomorrow and I feel kind of nervous about it. I really don’t know how they are going to react, oh I know they’ll be happy for us but i know when we leave they look at each other and go “Grandparents……agghhhh!” Everyone else I think will be surprised. I’m not sure if my folks will be surprised though I reckon my dad might have had a little suspicion that a little ginger may have been on the horizon.

I feel cool about it though, its a new chapter in our lives.

5th April

The news is out! told my folks on Saturday it felt very weird but they were cool I bet that sat around on Sunday going “I’m going to be grandparent… oohh”.

We feel bad that the Caples and the Humphreys don’t know yet but K really wants to tell them face to face rather than over the phone. Today I had an email from Liz all the way from New Zealand congratulating us! News travels fast.

It still fells a bit unreal though as k is no different really she’s been felling pretty tired but that’s about it really. It’ll seem more real for me when she starts too get bigger.