Busy week

This week has been right busy, I’ve been working on the stairwell which I have had to reboard as the plaster was shot and the wall was damp from a leak from next door. Unfortunately, I’ve had to work quite a bit as well to pay for a new sparkly telly and Emma’s new carrier, and I haven’t got any revision done for my exams so I’ve got to really got on with that next week….

Slightly stressed Shaun

2 responses to “Busy week”

  1. Shaun- don’t get too stressed or you won’t be able to study. You’ve done very well so far with the course!! I’ll be thinking about you and hope Emma bach doesn’t start teething!! Love Ol xx

  2. Fatty Al and Lewis Avatar
    Fatty Al and Lewis

    Hey luv

    Take a little chill pill. Take a nice Hobgoblin into the garden and relax!

    Bless you, it will all be OK

    See you next week at Lewis’s rave!

    Fatty xxx