Yes, Bures well Wissington in fact which is just 8 miles away in the Stour Valley. We found an amazing campsite called Rushbanks Farm in a lovely location right next to the river. We went with Hatty, lewis, Liane and Livvy. We had a lovely evening playing Cricket and cooking on a real fire, yes, a real fire which is so rare to be allowed to have these days.
At about 3am I needed to get up and when I went out it was really clear and pretty cold but I had a fantastic view of the stars. I was wondering up and down the field going WOW for about half an hour until I got too cold. I could see the Milky Way and I was able to pick out 5 constellations Auriga, Ursa Major, Perseus, Cassiopeia and Ursa Minor. It was a-mazing!
2 responses to “Camping at Wissington near Bures”
Hi Shaun. been having problems with my computer so I am a bit ;ate catching up with your blog. Anyway the pictures are lovely and you certainly seem to have had a good summer. I’m not sure whether it’s my computer but they do seem a bit elongated. Spoke to your dad whilst he was ar Liz’s and he seems to be having a good time. Hope he is enjoying the scenery now he’s on the road.
Hi Shaun. been having problems with my computer so I am a bit ;ate catching up with your blog. Anyway the pictures are lovely and you certainly seem to have had a good summer. I’m not sure whether it’s my computer but they do seem a bit elongated. Spoke to your dad whilst he was ar Liz’s and he seems to be having a good time. Hope he is enjoying the scenery now he’s on the road.