Car Woes

Heres a rundown of my car woes over the last two weeks.

Starter motor playing up – get repaired, £120

Driving home next day – smell of burning. Oil has sprayed all over the engine from faulty oil switch – get repaired (to be invoiced)

Use car for a day and the following day- flat battery, so swap it for one I had in the shed. Connect it up and immediately the connections to the starter motor and alternator start to smoke and the PVC on the cable near the starter motor starts to melt. Within seconds the battery terminal was so hot I couldn’t touch it. I managed to knock the connector off with the spanner. Turns out the alternator has got a dead short causing a massive short circuit so I now need a new alternator.

The mechanic disconnects the alternator to drive it up the road to change it but the car won’t start as the electrics are not working, probably damaged due to the short circuit. so now I’ve got to get the wiring repaired so I can get the alternator replaced. 🙁

2 responses to “Car Woes”

  1. Fatty Al and Lewis Avatar
    Fatty Al and Lewis

    but you know it’s a great car really, from a good home….

  2. Poor you – things always happen in “job lots” – hope you can get it repaired without too much expense….