Eastern Promises

Eastern Promises

Anna, a midwife in a London hospital, finds a Russian-language diary on the body of Tatiana, a fourteen-year-old girl who dies in childbirth. Anna sets out to track down the girl’s family so that she can find a home for the dead mother’s baby girl. From the the dairy she finds out that the girl had been forced into prostitution by the Russian mob. Also in the diary is a card for a restaurant which it turns out is run by Semyon, the soft spoken brutal boss of the mob. It is here that she meets Nikolai played by Viggo Mortensen who although is a gang member has a hint of compassion.

Its a top film, very tense, well directed with a brilliant performance by Viggo Mortensen. Not for the faint hearted though, there’s a pretty violent scene where naked Viggo is attacked in a steam room by a couple of knife wielding chechens which had K hiding behind a cushion.
