First prize

First Prize

Decided I should enter some stuff in our local show this year, as in 12 years we have lived here we have only been to it once!

We had a really nice afternoon, Mum and Dad came over. There were some vintage cars on display(sorry you missed it Al) and a dog show, and I won 2 third prizes, a second and a first prize in the photography section for this piccy Whoop! Whoop!


2 responses to “First prize”

  1. Love the pic K – don’t let Shaun take credit for all the Year of Days pics either, if you take them, put a K after the photo name so we know!!

    Well done.

  2. Ahhh Poor Shaun, most of the year of days pics are his, although I have taken a few more recent ones as I am out and about more. Also the prizes for 2nd and 3rd in the show were Shauns, but Shhhhhh, I didn’t tell you that, I will be banished for life!!!
    The boat was mine though, honest.