I love my boss (well, just a bit)

I’m chuffed because my rather lovely boss has authorised it for me to have 7 weeks off early next year to go on hols! Whoop whoop!

7 responses to “I love my boss (well, just a bit)”

  1. Off anywhere nice??!!!!

  2. come down under… life is fun… :))))))))))

  3. Hatty, look at “year of Sundays” a few weeks back, should give you a clue.x

  4. Are you off to see Liz then – She’ll be thrilled!! I’m off on 6th March and guess what -Jo’s flying back home on the same flight from singapore as me!! I am so looking forward to seeing them all again Love Olwenxx

  5. Finally fulfilling a ten year ambition to go to New Zealand. We’re very excited. Can’t wait to explore the country and see the Laverys!

  6. Will be good to see you too and meet Emma of course!

  7. Of course I knew where you were going!! Hence my ?!!!!!! How cool