Its a boy!….soon

So it seems the Caples are to have a little man.

This brings new rewsponsibilities into my life as I will now be Uncle Shaun. So I wonder what my uncle duties are?

Does this mean I have to start wearing big forest green jumpers, brown slacks and moccasins, Grow a beard, smoke a pipe and develop an interest in the sea and say “hello Lewis” in a slighly gruff ever so posh accent? Or shall I pass on the nuggets of knowledge that I have picked up over the years such as you can get the loudest of farts on a wooden or plastic chairs, you can belch loudest and longest after a drinking a can of sprite down in one, and that sex stories are generally better than porn? (Although this is a decision not be rushed into and it is worth checking out lots and lots of porn first!)

So this weekend I got my new car “The Red Baron jnr” So the Red Baron will now have to go. I am very sad that its going to volksheaven. It has been a great car.

Red Baron, faithful Volkswagen Golf GTI, was born 09/12/1986 Died 20/12/2006 aged 20

We had a good weekend with the Caples we went to Debbies wedding at Prested Hall on Saturday. We had a good night, the disco was rubbish but the cake was great!

Sunday was a cold frosty morning so we had a good walk over to Marks Hall and on our return K did a huge roast Chicken which was yummy!