Looking For Eric

Looking for EricEric Bishop is a right mess, twice divorced, and stuck with two idle teenage stepsons from his second failed marriage. The grownup daughter from his first has just made him a grandad, and it is only when he agrees to mind the baby every afternoon before handing it over to his first wife Lily, that he realises he is still in love with her. Meanwhile, one of the stepsons is a petty thief who, Eric discovers, is hiding a gun for the local crime gangster.

Eric is in dire need of a bit of life coaching, and in his mind it does come, from his hero, Eric Cantona.

Directed by Ken Loach this british film is a really touching story of a man trying to get his life back together. Steve Evets who plays Eric is really good, and Cantona is fascinating to watch.

“I am not a man – I am Cantona”
