New (?) Hammock

About twenty years ago I bought a K a hammock and we’ve never put it up. Its been in the shed and in the loft all that time. Anyway the other evening Emma was saying she wants a hammock in her room rather than a bed and that reminded us about the never hung hammock and so after all this time I’ve put it up. Its hung under the Acacia tree at the top of the garden and its lurvely!

4 responses to “New (?) Hammock”

  1. I remember you buying that hammock! What a lovely pic, what was in that bowl?? Nobby’s???

  2. I remember you buying that hammock! What a lovely pic, what was in that bowl?? Nobby’s???

  3. 20 years? Blimey, I thought I could spin a job out!

  4. 20 years? Blimey, I thought I could spin a job out!