Play Streets

London Play is an organisation that is trying to reclaim the streets for outdoor play. In the 1950’s 200 Streets in London had kerbs painted apple green and were closed to traffic so children could play between 8am and sunset. The legislation that gives the local authorities the power to restrict traffic is still active and a council could do this if the residents shout loud enough. Wouldn’t it be wonderful for every community if, once a year, a street was closed and a big party was held?

Play streets in London includes a fascinating time line which starts in 1860 when Taverner Miller who was then MP for Colchester tells the House of Common’s the plight of 12-year-old George Dunn who was sent to prison for five days under the Police Act for playing rounders in the street.

Play Street

One response to “Play Streets”

  1. How fascinating, you are full of interesting tit bits Shaun. The poor old 12 year old getting arrested for playing out!!!

    The average residential street in London has 5 parked cars on it. – bit like New Zealand now then……