Poorly Mum

Mums had her operation and everything went ok although she is still going to have to have some further treatment over the coming months. Its a tough time for her and my heart goes out to her but I know she’ll be ok.

6 responses to “Poorly Mum”

  1. please give your mum my love shaun, i am thinking of her and hoping she has a very speedy recovery.

  2. Fatty Al and Lewis Avatar
    Fatty Al and Lewis

    Hiya luv

    Lots of love to all of you

    See you next week

    Fatty x

  3. Look after your mum Shaun. Hope she will be home soon. Glad everything ok with the baby. Happy Birthday for the 16th. Make the most of your last year in your thirties!! Love Ol. xxx

  4. Hi Gill, Glad you are home, you’ll soon start to feel better.
    See you tomorrow. Lots of Love Kxxx

  5. Thanks Ol. Happy Birthday to you too! 🙂

  6. wish your mum a speedy recovery and tell her i am thinking of her. happy birthday to you too. love jaks xx