I’ve seen three films recently all of which will get a similar review. This one, State of Play and Inglorius Basterds all get nearly the same score as they are “alright”. I can always rate a film well if I find myself thinking about them the next day but with these I stopped thinking about them as soon as they finished. The only exception was Terminator and that was because I liked the machines.
State of play – Pretty bland, and Crowe plays himself yet again but now with stupid hair. 6/10
Inglorious bastards – If it wasn’t for Brad Pitt this would have been a load of tosh, he brings some humour to a film which is just seems to repeat the same scene over and over but with different characters. 6/10
Terminator salvation is the best of the bunch, the design of the machines is really good and Sam Worthington is good as the cyborg Marcus. The story is ok, but Christain bale is his normal wooden self. 7/10