The Dark Knight Rises

Eight years after taking the responsibility for the death of Harvey Dent, Batman’s self-imposed exile comes to an end with the arrival of Bane a ruthless killer who wants control of Gotham.

This is a big, sprawling movie and I think the best in the series. Bane is a great villain, ruthless and captivating to watch.Its a great script – all the main characters are really well developed ,you see them at their most vulnerable which gives them depth and makes them more human. The ending will be discussed for a long time but I felt it was good to end to a fantastic trilogy.


4 responses to “The Dark Knight Rises”

  1. We were going to go last night but didn’t. Wish we did now! It looks epic!

  2. We were going to go last night but didn’t. Wish we did now! It looks epic!

  3. The ending was from The Iron Giant!

  4. The ending was from The Iron Giant!