Weekend Away

For my Birthday Dad bought K & I a weekend away at Abbey Cottage up in Suffolk. It was a lovely place, a little garden house in Sue’s garden (who was the best host ever) we spent the weekend walking, visiting the Eels Foot Inn (great pub!) and going to the Leiston Film Theatre to see “Wonder”

Wonder is the story of 11 year old August “Auggie” Pullman who suffers from a facial derformity who having been home schooled starts going to school so he make friends and mix with people.

I loved this film, in fact Ive seen it twice now as Emma really wanted to see it. Its really well acted by the whole cast. its a great story but I think the films triumph is how the story is told from not just Auggies perspective, but also his sisters,Via, her best friend, Miranda and auggies friend Jack will, which really brings home the impact that Auggies disfigurement has had on all of them. I cried – a lot – Sorry!

