Weekend News

K finished work on Friday so she’s looking forward to dossing for a while. She had lots of presents and some really nice cards wishing her good luck.

The Caples came to stay this weekend, Saturday afternoon me, Al and Corky went for a few pints to celebrate Olivia’s safe arrival and to just hang out and have a good old chat, it was really cool.

Sunday morning it was a beautiful sunny day. Me and Al went for a cruise on the bikes and later Chris and Derek came over for a big yummy Sunday lunch. In the afternoon K’s midwife Louise popped round to check K out and she’s fine. She also reassured us (mainly me) as K is keen on having a home birth and I have been a bit worried after fatty and Liane’s experiences that perhaps she should have little ginge at the hospital. But, I’ve just got to trust that Louise will make the right decisions for k and little ginge and just go with what happens on the day.

2 responses to “Weekend News”

  1. Home births are fantastic, off the four of mine Georgie should of been a home birth, but we ended up going in to hospital (I think that we could of stayed at home but midwifes always edge on the side of caution – so you will be in safe hands). Ben was a home birth – the most relaxed, wonderful experience ever! I am sure that you will make the right decision.

    Enjoy your time off K!

  2. Thanks for the positive comment! I really like the idea of having little ginge at home. Lot’s of people I have spoken to say that it’s great. When it comes to it I’ll probably turn into a total wimp and beg for drugs! Feels really weird being off work, never been a dosser before, but it’s quite nice not having to set the alarm in the morning. I love your blog, I’m so glad it’s working out for you all.
    Love Kx